증여세. 홈택스를 통한 증여세 전자신고. 과세표준 1억원 이하는 10%. / 공제 1천만원. https://www.nts.go.kr/nts/cm/cntnts/cntntsView.do?mi=6533&cntntsId=7960 https://www.nts.go.kr/nts/cm/cntnts/cntntsView.do?mi=2342&cntntsId=7730 ---------------- 보급소 2024.02.08
2024 산불 조심. 2024년 산불조심 기간. 02월 01일/목 -> 05월 15일/수. https://hiking.kworks.co.kr/new_intro.aspx ------------------- 보급소 2024.01.15
핵전쟁 대비. 2023 the earth's population 8 billion –minus, nuclear war, 5 billion = earth's population 3 billion. 2022 aug 16. / Bloomberg. 핵전쟁 발생시 50억명 사망, 인류 70% 전멸. (In the event of a nuclear war, 5 billion people were killed and 70% of humanity was wiped out.) https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-08-15/five-billion-face-death-in-full-scale-nuclear-war-study-shows ---------------------------------.. 보급소 2024.01.15