
아르테미스 계획.

loveboss 2024. 1. 20. 12:57



일본 우주항공연구개발기구. JAXA.

(宇宙航空研究開発機構. /

Japan Aerospace eXploration Agency.)






아르테미스. (Artemis Program Moon.)






Jan 14, 2023. / Joe Biden.

바이든 대통령은 우리는 일본의 방위비 증액.

“We’re modernizing our military alliance,

building on Japan's historic increase in defense

spending and new national security strategy.

I'll be crystal clear. The United States is fully, thoroughly,

committed to the alliance, and more importantly

to Japan’s defense, the defense of Japan.”






Jan 14, 2023. /

일본인 우주비행사를 달에 보낸다.

미국과 일본, 우주 평화 탐사 협정 체결.

( U.S. and Japan to Sign

Agreement on Peaceful Exploration of Space. )








Oct 14, 2020. /

아르테미스 협약. (NASA Artemis Accords.)

NASA, International Partners Advance

Cooperation with First Signings of Artemis Accords






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