
다누리 인공위성.

loveboss 2022. 8. 6. 20:54





인공위성 다누리는 한국꺼.

(All satellites belong to Korea.)


로케트는 미국 민간 업체. / Falcon 9 rocket.

(Rockets are a private American company.)




NASA SpaceX launches Danuri,

South Korea’s first mission to the Moon.

스페이스X는 민간 항공 우주 기업.

(SpaceX is a private aerospace company.)


SpaceX has launched South Korea’s first mission to the

Moon on Thursday. A flight-proven Falcon 9 rocket launched

the Danuri spacecraft from Space Launch Complex 40 at

the Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida

at 7:08 PM EDT (23:08 UTC).




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